Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques

Shade Cards Smoothing Techniques 940

Villa Venezia/Decorative Techniques
Shade Cards Smoothing Techniques 940
Shade fan with large shade selection of our creative techniques
Shade Cards Smoothing Techniques 940

The Jaeger shade cards offer 88 sensational shades. The shades contained in the cards are available in the qualities Stucco Veneziano, Stucco Fondo and Fresco Veneziano, Stucco Romano and Epoca Marble. The four metallic waxes are a special highlight: real gold, real silver, brass and bronze.

  • 88 attractive shades
  • Stucco Fondo
  • Stucco Veneziano
  • Stucco Romano
  • Epoca Marble
  • Fresco Veneziano
  • Metallic putty wax
  • Antiqua

product data

item number/shade
item number shade
940-0000 88 Farbtöne
size of trading unit/box content
size of trading unit box content

suitable products

939 Stucco Romano
949 Epoca Marmor
961 Stucco Veneziano
963 Kronen® Exquisit-Finish
965 Fresco Veneziano
968 Antiqua